SSCKKR Recruitment 2020 – Apply Online for 42 DEO, Scientific Asst, Other Vacancies

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Staff Selection Commission Karnataka Kerala Region (SSKKR) Recruiting for 42 DEO, Scientific Asst & Other Posts. | Check Latest 2020 Govt Employment Job Notification.

SSCKKR Recruitment  → Apply Online for 42 DEO, Scientific Asst & Other vacancies:

Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Staff Selection Commission Karnataka Kerala Region (SSKKR) has displayed 42 vacant seats for Scientific Assistant, Technical Suptd, Market Intelligence Inspector, Library and Information Assistant, Research Assistant, Junior Conservation Assistant, Laboratory Attendant, Junior Clerk, Date Entry Operator, Conservation Assistant, Assistant Welfare Administrator, Library Attendant & other posts. Candidates satisfying the desired eligibility conditions as mentioned in the SSCKKR official notification can submit their application by online submission on or before 24th September 2017 with the help of details given below–
NOTE:- Candidates are advised to thoroughly read the original SSCKKR job notification before applying for the desired post.
-Subscribe our Karnataka job portal for govt jobs 2018 or sarkari naukri in Karnataka.

SSCKKR Jobs Opening Details:

Total vacancies: 42
Name of the Posts:
1. Scientific Assistant (Electronics): 02
2. Scientific Assistant (Mechanical): 03
3. Technical Supdt. (Processing): 02
4. Market Intelligence Inspector (Economics): 01
5. Library And Information Assistant: 01
6. Research Assistant (RA): 02
7. Junior Conservation Assistant: 11
8. Laboratory Attendant: 01
9. Junior Clerk: 01
10. Data Entry Operator, Grade “B”: 01
11. Conservation Assistant: 01
12. Assistant Welfare Administrator: 01
13. Library Attendant (Multi Tasking Staff): 01
14. Data Entry Operator (DEO), Grade “B”: 14

Essential Qualification:

For post 1,2 candidates should have acquired Bachelor Degree in Electronics/ Mechanical Engg with 02 years of experience.
For post 3 candidates should have acquired Bachelor Degree in Textile Processing or Textile Chemistry or Bachelor in Engineering or Technology in Textile Processing or Textile Chemistry.
For post 4 candidates should have acquired Bachelor Degree in Economics or Commerce/ Statistics with Economics as a subject.
For post 5 candidates should have acquired Bachelor Degree in Library Science or Library and Information Science.
For post 6 candidates should have acquired Bachelor Degree in Social Science/ Law or Statistics.
For post 7 candidates should have passed 10th pass and Industrial Training Institute Certificate in Civil Engineering.
For post 8 candidates should have acquired Matriculation pass with Science subjects.
For post 9 candidates should have passed 12th class pass and must possess 35 wpm typewriting speed in English.
For post 10 candidates should have acquired Bachelor Degree and must possess 8000 key depression per hour data entry speed Posts. For more information refer the notification.

Required Ag:

For post 1 to 5 candidates age limit should be less than 30 years.
For post 6,8,9,12 candidates age limit should be less than 18-27 years.
For post 7,10,11,13,14 candidates age limit should be less than 18-25 years.
-Upper age relaxation will be applicable as per govt rules.

Mode of Selection:

Selection will be based on candidates performance in Computer Based Examination & Skill Tests like Typing/ Data Entry/ Computer Proficiency Test etc & interview for Junior Level Posts.

Cost of Application:

Candidates have to pay examination fee which is Rs.100/- through online SBI Net-Banking/ Credit Cards/ Debit Cards or SBI Challan. Examination fee will be exempted to Women candidates, SC, ST, PH and Ex Servicemen Candidates.

Way of Applying:

Interested & eligible candidates can apply online through the website from 25/08/2017 to 24/09/2017 up to 05.00 PM & send hard copy of the online application with self attested copies of certificates/ documents in support of age, essential qualifications, experience, caste to the following address:-

Regional Director, Staff Selection Commission, Karnataka Kerala Region, 1st Floor E
Wing, Kendriya Sadan, Koramangala, Bengaluru – 560 034.

Dates to Remember:

Starting Date to Apply Online: 25/08/2017
Last Date to Apply Online & Online Fee Payment: 24/09/2017 up to 05.00 PM
Last Date for OffLine Challan Generation (SBI Challan): 24/09/2017 upto 05.00 PM
Last Date for Receipt of Hard Copy of Application: Within ten days from the closing date


Apply Online

SSCKKR Recruitment  → Apply Online for 183 JE, Asst & Other Vacancies – Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Staff Selection Commission Karnataka Kerala Region (SSKKR) has displayed 183 vacant seats for Assistant (Legal), Junior Engineer (Quality Assurance), Draughtsman Grade I, Farm Manager, Junior Engineer, Junior Technical Assistant, Textile Designer, Technical Superintendent (Weaving), Office Superintendent, Instructor (Marine Engineering), Technical Clerk (Economics), Fieldman & other posts. Candidates satisfying the desired eligibility conditions as mentioned in the SSCKKR official notification can submit their application by online submission on or before 7th June 2017 with the help of details given below–

SSCKKR Jobs Opening Details:

Total vacancies: 183
Name of the Post:
1. Assistant (Legal): 03
2. Junior Engineer (Quality Assurance): 106
3. Draughtsman Grade I: 01
4. Farm Manager: 03
5. Junior Engineer: 01
6. Junior Technical Assistant: 07
7. Textile Designer: 01
8. Technical Superintendent (Weaving): 01
9. Office Superintendent: 06
10. Instructor (Marine Engineering): 01
11. Technical Clerk (Economics): 01
12. Fieldman: 03
13. Foreman (Horticulture): 02
14. Assistant Designer: 10
15. Deputy Ranger: 06
16. Assistant Engineer: 03
17. Junior Chemist: 03
18. Medical Attendant: 14
19. Lady Medical Attendant: 08
20. Laboratory Assistant: 02
21. Technical Assistant: 01

Essential qualification:

For post 1 candidates must have acquired Bachelors Degree in Law of a recognised University established or incorporated by or under a Central Act or Provincial Act, or a State Act, or any institution for higher education deemed to be a University by the Central Government or any other institution or foreign University approved by the Central Government.
For post 2 candidates must have acquired Bachelor’s Degree in science with one of the subjects at Graduate Level viz., physics, Computer Science, Electronics from a recognised University or Diploma in Engineering or Technology in one of the disciplines viz., Electronics, Electrical, Computers, Information Technology, Electronics & Telecommunication from a recognised University or State Board or Technical Education.

For post 3 candidates must have passed Higher Secondary (10+2) of a recognised University/ Board/ Institution or Equivalent and 03 Years Diploma in Electrical/ Mechanical Engineering of a recognised University/ Institution or equivalent.
For post 4 candidates must have acquired Degree in Veterinary Science and Animal husbandry from a recognised University or Institute.
For post 5 candidates must have acquired Diploma in Civil Engineering from a recognised board or Institute or Equivalent.
For post 6 candidates must have acquired Certificate in Forest Rangers Course from any recognised Institute/ Graduate in Science/ Computer Science with relevant experience. For ore qualification details refer the notification.

Required Age:

For post 1 to 10 & 14 candidates age limit should be less then 30 years as on 07/06/2017.
For post 11 & 12 candidates age limit should be between 18 to 27 years as on 07/06/2017.
For post 13 candidates age limit should be between 18 to 25 years as on 07/06/2017.
For post 15 candidates age limit should be between 18 to 27 years as on 07/06/2017. For more age details refer the notification.
-Upper age relaxation will be applicable as per govt rules. For more relaxation details refer the notification.

Mode of Selection:

Selection will be based on candidates performance in Written Examination in Computer Based Mode & Interview.

Cost of Examination:

Candidates have to pay examination fee which is Rs.100/- through Online by using SBI Net-Banking/ Credit Cards/Debit Cards of all Banks” or through SBI Challan.

Way of Applying:

Interested & eligible candidates can apply online through the website (or just click link given below) & send hard copy of the online application with self attested copies of certificates/ documents in support of age, essential qualifications, experience, caste to the following address:-

Regional Director, Staff Selection Commission, Karnataka Kerala Region,
1st Floor E Wing, Kendriya Sadan, Koramangala, Bengaluru – 560 034.

Dates to Remember:

Starting Date to Apply Online & Payment of Fee through Online: 08/05/2017.
Last Date to Apply Online & Payment of Fee through Online: 07/06/2017 by 05:00 PM.
Last Date for Generation of Challan: 07/06/2017.
Last Date for Receipt of Hard Copy of the Online Application: Within ten days from the closing date.


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  1. Sir is there any vacancy in SSCKKR based on diploma degree?