Infantry School Belgaum Recruitment 2020 for Teacher, Non Teaching Vacancies

Last updated on March 27th, 2020 at 09:58 am

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Infantry School Belgaum Recruitment for Civil Motor Driver & Painter Posts. Check Latest 2020 Central Govt Employment Job Notification for Infantry School Belgaum Recruitment in Karnataka.

At the moment there is no active recruitment going on in Infantry School Belgaum, though we will update here once the new vacancy circular is published by the concerned authority in the school. But, you may check below the related vacancies to the present recruitment:


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Infantry School Belgaum Recruitment 2018 → Civil Motor Driver & Painter Vacancies –

Head Quarters Junior Leaders Wing, The Infantry School, Belgaum has displayed 02 vacant seats for Civil Motor Driver & Painter posts by direct recruitment. Desirous candidates satisfying the required eligibility mentioned in the Infantry School Belgaum official notification can submit their application in the prescribed format within 45 days from date of publication of advertisement. (15/07/2017 to 21/07/2017) with the help of details given below-
NOTE:- Candidate are suggested to read Infantry School Belgaum original job Advertisement before applying for the desired post.
– Subscribe our karnataka job portal for govt jobs or sarkari vacancy in Belgaum district or all karnataka state, India.

Infantry School Belgaum Jobs Opening Details:

Total Vacancies: 02
Name of the Posts:
1. Civil Motor Driver: 01
2. Painter: 01

KPSC Jobs 

Essential Qualification:

For post 1 candidates should have acquired Matriculation with Civilian Driving license for heavy vehicles and have two years experience of driving such vehicles.
For post 2 candidates should have acquired Matriculation from a recognized Board or Institution and Certificate in the trade from a recognized Institution.

Required Age:

For post 1 candidates age limit should be 18 to 30 years as on last date of receipt of application.
For post 2 candidates age limit should be 18 to 27 years as on last date of receipt of application.
-Upper age relaxable will be applicable as per Govt. rules.

Mode of Selection:

Selection will be based on candidates performance in written examination, Physical/ Practical /Trade/ Skill Test.

Cost of Application:

Candidates have to pay application fee which is Rs. 50/- (Non refundable) by Crossed Indian Postal Order (IPO) in favour of the Commander, Junior Leaders Wing, The Infantry School, Belgaum.

Way of Applying:

Interested & eligible candidates can send their applications on plain paper duly typed or neatly handwritten in the prescribed format only along with all the requisite documents duly attested by a Gazetted Officer in an envelope must be superscribed as “Application for the post of ————-” to the following address:-

The Commander, Headquarters Junior Leaders
Wing, The Infantry School, Belgaum – 9.

Dates to Remember:

Date of Advertisement: 15/07/2017 to 21/07/2017.
Last Date for Receipt of Applications: With in 45 days from date of publication of advertisement.


Infantry School Belgaum website: Not available.

Infantry School Belgaum Address:

No.48, GI wing Shopping Complex, Record Mli Belgaum, Karnataka 590009

Contact No-(0831) 2424156

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