CIIL Recruitment for Assistant Grade (UDC, LDC) Vacancy 2020- Accounts/Admin Karnataka Govt Jobs

Last updated on March 27th, 2020 at 10:55 am

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CIIL Recruitment 2020 for Assistant Grade I (Accounts/Admin) UDC and Assistant  Grade-2 (Accounts/admin) LDC Vacancies in Mysore, Karnataka State. CIIL Job Notification for Accounts Admin or LDC and Accounts/admin or UDC for Grade B and Grade A respectively.

Assistant Grade LDC and UDC Recruitment. Govt Jobs for Experienced Graduates in Central Institute of Indian Languages (CIIL), Mysore for 2020. Karnataka Govt Job Notification 2020-2021 for CIIL Mysuru Recruitment for Accounts administration vacancy for experienced graduates.

Eligible candidates are advised to apply for CIIL Vacancies on or before the last date which is 26th March 2020.



Assistant Grade (UDC & LDC) Vacancy Recruitment 2020 for CIIL Mysuru

CIIL Recruitment for Assistant Grade (UDC and LDC) Vacancies 2020-21: Candidates are updated here to apply for current CIIL Mysure Jobs for UDC and LDC posts for Experienced Graduation degree Holders. Get Direct Official Link to apply for Upcoming Jobs in Central Institute of Indian Languages.

Eligible Candidates are invited to apply for CIIL Jobs on or before the last date which is 26th March 2020.



CIIL Mysure Job Notification for Office Assistant Grade UDC, LDC Recruitment Vacancies

Organization Name CIIL Mysore
Total Vacancies: 03
Name of the Post Assistant Grade 2 and Grade 1 LDC and UDC (accounts/admin) vacancy
Apply Mode Offline and Walkin Interview
Job Basis Contractual Basis
Age Limit 45 Years
Job Type Karnataka Govt Jobs
Job Location Mysuru
Work Experience Visit notification


CIIL Pay Scale Details for Assistant Grade UDC, LDC Jobs

Asst. Gr-I (Accts/ Admin) UDC
Rs. 27,200 per month
Asst. Grade-2(Accts/ admin) LDC Rs. 21,200  per month


Qualification Required for Assistant Grade UDC and LDC Posts: 

Asst. Gr-I (Accts/ Admin) UDC 1) Any degree & 5 years of experience in Accounts / establishment as Lower division clerk / assistant.
2) Proficiency in English & Malayam typing on computer.
3) Hands on experience of working in computer packages such as MS word, Excel, Spread sheet etc.
Asst. Grade-2(Accts/ admin) LDC 1) Any degree and 5 years of experience in Accounts / establishment as Lower division clerk / assistant.
2) Proficiency in English & Malayalam typing on computer.
3) Hands on experience of working in computer packages such as MS word, Excel, Spread sheet etc.


Mode of Selection:

Candidates selection will be done based on their performance in Walkin Interview.

Way of Applying: How To Apply for CIIL UDC, LDC, Accounts Post?

Interested & Eligible candidates can send their application in the prescribed format (attached below) to Director, Central Institute of Indian Languages, (CIIL) Manasagangothri, Hunsur Road, Mysore – 570006 on or before 26 Mar 2020, along with copies of all relevant documents & certificates.

Last Dates and Job Notification for UDC and LDC Recruitment:

Name of the Post: Assistant Grade UDC and LDC
Last Date for Receipt of Application: 26/03/2020
CIIL Mysore Jobs Notification: Notification for CIIL Recruitment


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